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Interpretation of The “Implementation Plan for Promoting Efficient And High-value Utilization of Phosphorus Resources”

Views: 80     Author: Yinsu Flame Retardant     Publish Time: 2024-01-05      Origin: 工信微报


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Interpretation of the “Implementation Plan for Promoting Efficient and High-value Utilization of Phosphorus Resources”

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Efficient and High-value Utilization of Phosphorus Resources" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"). In order to do a good job in the implementation of the "implementation program" implementation, is now on the content of the following interpretation.

I. What is the background of the "implementation program"?

Phosphorus ore is a strategic non-metallic mineral resources, phosphorus chemical industry is an important part of China's chemical industry, phosphorus chemicals is related to food security, life and health, new energy and new energy vehicles and other important industrial chain supply chain security and stability of important products. In recent years, relying on China's relatively rich phosphate resources and perfect industrial foundation, the phosphorus chemical industry has made great progress: 

First, the industry is a global leader in terms of scale, is the world's largest producer of phosphorus ores, phosphorus chemicals.

Second, the industrial system is more complete, the formation of phosphorus mining, yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, phosphate, phosphide series of products, such as production of a complete industrial chain.

Third, intensive development has a better foundation, phosphorus resource mining, yellow phosphorus and phosphate fertilizer production, and the production of phosphorus, phosphorus and phosphorus. Mining, yellow phosphorus and phosphate fertilizer production are mainly concentrated in Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan and other provinces, the formation of Yunnan Anning Industrial Park, chemical park in the economic development zone of urnan, Hubei Yidu Chemical Park, Mianzhu Xinshi Chemical Park and a number of other characteristics of the phosphorus chemical industry parks. 

But also facing the low level of comprehensive utilization of phosphorus ore, sustainable resource security capacity is not strong, the pressure of green development of phosphorus chemical industry, phosphorus chemical supply structural contradictions, restricting the high-quality development of the industry. 

The introduction of the "Implementation Plan" is aimed at strengthening the overall planning of the whole industrial chain based on China's national conditions, guiding the phosphorus chemical industry to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the phosphorus resources to enhance the ability to sustainably safeguard the phosphorus resources and the level of high-efficiency and high-value utilization, and to achieve high-quality development.

Phosphorus ResourcesPhosphorus Resources4

II. What is the overall consideration of the Implementation Program?

The Implementation Program resolutely implement the CPC Central Committee, the State Council major decisions and deployments. First, a clear functional positioning, aimed at refining the implementation of relevant planning policy requirements. Focusing on the national "14th Five-Year Plan" and 2035 Vision Outline, as well as relevant industry planning, special planning and guidance and other specific requirements, to strengthen the protective exploitation of phosphorus resources, phosphorus chemical industry innovation and development of systematic planning and top-level design, quantitative goals, path initiatives and key projects. Secondly, focus on the industry to implement policies and strengthen the foundation of sustainable development. Taking the security of food, energy resources and important industrial chain supply chain as the bottom line, we will scientifically regulate the development intensity of phosphorus ore, strictly control the new production capacity of ammonium phosphate and yellow phosphorus, guarantee the production and supply of phosphorus fertilizer, transform and upgrade the traditional industries, vigorously develop high-end phosphorus-containing chemicals, and promote the whole industrial chain to refinement and high-end leaping. Thirdly, it insists on coupling and synergy to optimize industrial development ecology. Based on "Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei and Sichuan" to create an advanced phosphorus chemical cluster with strong innovation ability, good agglomeration effect and excellent functional characteristics, cultivate a high-quality enterprise echelon led by large enterprises and synergistic development of specialized small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the synergistic development of phosphorus chemical industry with building materials and new energy industry, and build a development pattern of inter-regional complementarity, large, medium-sized and small integration, and inter-industry coupling. development pattern.

III. What is the main goal of the Implementation Program?

The Implementation Program proposes that by 2026, the sustainable security capacity of phosphorus resources will be significantly strengthened, the independent innovation capacity of phosphorus chemical industry and the level of green safety will be steadily improved, the supply capacity of high-end phosphorus chemicals will be greatly improved, the complementary regional advantages and the ability of coupled development will continue to enhance, and the resilience of the industrial chain supply chain and the level of security will be more solid. Specifically, there are four aspects: in the innovation-driven aspect, breakthroughs in a number of key technologies for efficient development, clean production and comprehensive utilization of phosphorus resources; in the aspect of structural optimization, the capacity utilization rate of traditional products such as ammonium phosphorus and yellow phosphorus has been significantly improved, and the revenue share of non-agricultural products such as high-value added phosphorus-containing chemicals has been continuously optimized in phosphorus chemical industry; in the aspect of green development, the capacity of ammonium phosphorus with the level of energy-efficiency benchmark or above accounts for more than 35% of the production capacity of ammonium phosphorus. The harmless treatment rate of new phosphogypsum reaches 100%, and the comprehensive utilization rate reaches 65%; in terms of ecological cultivation, about three first-class phosphorus chemical enterprises with industry dominance and global competitiveness will be formed, and about three advanced manufacturing clusters with outstanding characteristics will be built.

IV. How does the Implementation Program enhance the ability to ensure sustainable resources?

China's phosphate resources, although relatively rich, reserves ranked high globally, but the total amount of resources is far less than the phosphate-rich countries, per capita reserves are also lower than the world level, and more poor minerals, fewer rich minerals, urgently need to enhance the sustainable security capacity through the protective mining and efficient and high value utilization. In addition, sulfur resources is also an important raw material for China's phosphorus chemical production, China's dependence on foreign sulfur resources is still high, in recent years, the international price of sulfur fluctuations, seriously affecting the smooth operation of the industry, should also be through a variety of channels to enhance the domestic security capacity.

The Implementation Plan puts forward three measures, one is to strengthen the market guidance, based on domestic demand, improve the phosphorus resources market allocation and mining rights transfer system, strictly and orderly placement of phosphorus mining rights, support the integration of small and medium-sized strong enterprise phosphorus mine, guide the domestic enterprises to standardize and orderly participation in the development of overseas phosphorus resources cooperation, enhance the ability of sustainable security of phosphorus resources; two is to promote the economical use of phosphorus resources, and encourage the phosphorus mine Secondly, we should promote the economical utilization of phosphate resources, encourage phosphate ore production enterprises to mine both rich and poor, promote the comprehensive utilization of low and medium grade phosphate ore and tailings, increase the use of calcium, fluorine, silicon, iodine, magnesium and other associated resources, and improve the phosphorus mining "three rates"; thirdly, we should broaden the supply channels of sulphur resources, increase the recovery of sulphur resources, strengthen the development and utilization of sulphur and phosphorus resources associated with sulfurous iron ores, steadily promote the industrialization demonstration of the new technology of phosphate gypsum acid, and enhance the sustainable security capacity of phosphorus resources according to local conditions.

Phosphorus Resources

V. How to enhance the innovation and development capacity of the Implementation Program?

China's phosphorus chemical industry is in a critical period of structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading, but also faces a number of weak links, innovation and development mechanism is still unsound, upstream and downstream synergistic innovation system needs to be perfected, the level of phosphorus ore resource laddering is still to be improved, high-efficiency beneficiation of phosphorus ore, new phosphorus ore acid digestion, the depth of the wet phosphoric acid purification of the key technologies have not yet made a complete breakthrough in the production of high value-added phosphorus chemicals and associated resources based on the production of high-end fluorine-containing new products is still insufficient. The ability to produce high value-added phosphorus chemicals and new fluorine-containing products based on associated resources is still insufficient, we must vigorously implement the innovation-driven development strategy, promote the integration of industry, academia, research and the integration of small and medium-sized enterprises, in line with the spirit of "into a bead, string beads into a chain", the integration of demand-driven, innovation-driven, focusing on overcoming the constraints on the high-quality development of the phosphorus chemical industry's key technologies, increasing varieties around the application scenarios, improve the quality, Create a brand, the development of service-oriented manufacturing, and constantly improve the industry chain supply chain independent and controllable, safe and reliable level.

The Implementation Plan puts forward three measures, one is to build a collaborative innovation system, strengthen the leading role of phosphorus chemical industry leading enterprises in innovation, promote the deep integration of industry, academia, research and use, increase the core technology and product research, consolidate the basic innovation capacity, and encourage the local integration of enterprises, universities, research institutions and other innovation resources to build the phosphorus chemical industry field of the pilot platform, to improve the level of convergence of the use of the production; the second is to increase the technological research, around the industry chain Weak links, support enterprises upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, research institutes, innovation platforms and other collaborative breakthroughs in key technologies, to enhance the industry's green, intelligent and efficient development level; third is to break through key materials, actively promote the phosphorus chemical industry chain to new energy materials, electronic chemicals, functional fine chemicals and other areas of the extension of the coupling with fluorine chemical industry, and vigorously develop high-end fluorine-containing new materials, to enhance the supply of high-end products. The ability of supplying high-end products will be enhanced.

VI. How to optimize and adjust the industrial structure of the Implementation Plan?

At present, China's phosphorus chemical industry chain as a whole is in the middle and low end, mainly ammonium phosphate, yellow phosphorus and general phosphate and other primary products, traditional industrial overcapacity, high export ratio, new phosphate fertilizer, electronic grade phosphoric acid, functional fine phosphate and other products are not enough supply. In addition, the industry needs to be further optimized for the integrated development of large, medium and small enterprises, and the differentiated development among regions has not been fully reflected. Urgently need to focus on different parts of the industry chain, different regions and precise measures to optimize the product structure, enterprise structure and regional layout.

The Implementation Plan puts forward four measures, one is to promote product structure adjustment, strictly control the new production capacity of ammonium phosphate, yellow phosphorus and other industries, do a good job of phosphate fertilizer to maintain supply and stabilize prices, and actively develop new and efficient varieties of phosphorus fertilizers, extend the development of functional phosphate and other high-value-added phosphorus chemicals, and promote the industry's development mode of fine-tuning, specialization, and the series of service-oriented manufacturing changes; the second is to build advantageous industrial clusters, encourage "Yunnan, Guizhou, Hubei and Sichuan" based on resource and energy endowments, industrial infrastructure conditions, environmental carrying capacity, etc., to create a number of advanced manufacturing clusters, build interregional complementary advantages, upstream and downstream synergistic support, horizontal symbiotic coupling of the industrial pattern; Third, we must build a high-quality enterprise echelon, improve the phosphorus ore mining and primary phosphorus chemical production concentration, promote the synergistic development of upstream and downstream, and form a high-level, specialized, series of service manufacturing. upstream and downstream synergistic development, to form a high level of specialized manufacturing and service capabilities, to cultivate leading phosphorus chemical enterprises with resource control and industry chain dominance, to accelerate the cultivation of specialized, special and new "small giants" enterprises and manufacturing industry single champions, to grow the phosphorus chemical small and medium-sized enterprises featured industrial clusters, and to promote the "chain" industry. "Chain" transformation and upgrading; Fourth, to promote cross-regional and upstream and downstream synergies, strengthen inter-regional resources, technology, industrial docking, and collaborate to build a safe and efficient industrial chain supply chain system, guiding phosphorus mines, phosphorus chemical industry and downstream enterprises to carry out strategic cooperation, build a new type of cooperation mechanism of risk sharing and benefit sharing, and enhance the competitive advantage of the whole industrial chain. Advantage.

VII. How does the Implementation Program promote the safe and green transformation of the industry?

At present, China's phosphorus chemical industry green safety development pressure is still greater, the industry below the benchmark level of ammonium phosphate production capacity is still higher than the proportion of phosphogypsum consumption level is still to be improved, phosphorus ore co (associated) fluorine, iodine and other comprehensive utilization rate is low, yellow phosphorus tailing and other resource utilization needs to be strengthened, the foundation for safe development is still not solid. The development of the phosphorus chemical industry must adhere to the green development, coupling and synergistic, keep the safety bottom line, promote the development and utilization of phosphorus ore and its common (associated) resources, and promote the phosphorus chemical industry chain to accelerate the transformation and upgrading around clean production, energy saving and carbon reduction, circular economy, intrinsic safety, etc..

The Implementation Plan puts forward four measures, one is to create an energy-saving carbon reduction development model, accelerate the phosphorus chemical residual heat and pressure utilization, process heat integration, energy efficient energy-saving carbon reduction technology and equipment to promote the application of energy-saving, accelerate the construction of energy management centers, carry out clean energy substitution, and promote the optimization of the energy system; the second is to enhance the level of clean production, focusing on the mining of phosphorus ore resources, phosphorus chemical production and processing, and waste emission treatment. The second is to enhance the level of clean production, focusing on the mining of phosphorus resources, phosphorus chemical production and processing, waste emission treatment and other links, accelerate the ecological restoration of mines and the construction of green mines, and encourage phosphorus chemical enterprises to support the construction and operation of phosphorus gypsum online pre-treatment devices, promote harmless phosphorus gypsum treatment, and further improve the phosphorus chemical industry green manufacturing system. To promote the comprehensive utilization of resources, continuously broaden the comprehensive utilization of phosphorus gypsum application demonstration, improve the quality of phosphorus gypsum products and application standard system, develop the phosphorus ore common (associated) resources as well as other by-products resources processing industry; Fourth, to enhance the level of intrinsic safety, the new production of hazardous chemicals containing phosphorus must enter the general or lower safety risk of the chemical industry park (except for the construction of production units with other industries), the establishment of a sound HSE management system, the dual prevention mechanism of safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance, implementation of the phosphorus chemical industry old device safety transformation, high-risk process automation transformation of the whole process.

VIII. How to promote the implementation of the Implementation Program?

The Implementation Program puts forward three aspects of safeguards. First, strengthen the coordination and linkage, strengthen departmental coordination and linkage between ministries and provinces, and jointly promote the key work of efficient and high-value utilization of phosphorus resources. Encourage local governments to improve supporting policies, implement key tasks, accelerate the cultivation of advanced manufacturing clusters in the phosphorus chemical industry, strengthen the comprehensive utilization of phosphorus gypsum, tailings and other waste projects, such as land, energy and other elements of protection. Relevant industry organizations should play a bridging role and strengthen industry self-discipline. Secondly, strengthen the policy synergy, increase the phosphorus chemical industry high-end development, intelligent upgrading, green transformation, service extension, safety control and other technological transformation project support. Give full play to the role of the national industry cooperation platform, guide investment funds, financial institutions and other support for the implementation of key projects. The comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum products that meet the standards will be included in the scope of green building materials product certification and promotion catalog, the product catalog of building energy-saving technologies for promotion and use, as well as the green building and green building materials government procurement demand standards. Thirdly, to create a favorable environment, encourage localities to carry out pilot projects for the integration of production and education, strengthen the support and guarantee of talents, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, implement the requirements for the construction of a national unified market, eliminate local protection and administrative monopoly, promote the efficient and smooth flow of phosphorus mines and other factors of production across regions, and strengthen the cross-regional synergistic use of phosphorus gypsum and the comprehensive utilization of products.

Overall, the implementation plan focuses on strengthening the sustainable security capacity of phosphorus resources, promoting transformation and upgrading of the phosphorus chemical industry, and enhancing innovation and development capacity. It aims to achieve high-quality development and improve the industry's resilience and security.

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