The article discusses common causes of color changes in flame-retardant modified materials and presents the excellent performance of flame retardants developed by Yinsu Flame Retardant Company in maintaining color stability.
The article mainly discusses ways to improve the CTI value of modified engineering plastics, analyzing the effects of different flame retardants like brominated, nitrogen-based, phosphorus-based ones and compounding flame retardant systems on the CTI values of materials such as PA and PBT, and also presents the achievements of YINSU Flame Retardant in this regard.
With the increasing global environmental awareness and the emphasis on health and safety issues, traditional halogen flame retardants are gradually being eliminated by the market due to potential environmental and health risks. In this context, a new generation of green and environmentally friendly phosphorus flame retardants, alkyl phosphinate flame retardants, especially diethylphosphinate and its derivatives, such as aluminum diethylphosphinate (ADP), have gradually become the new favorites of the market due to their significant environmental friendliness and high efficiency.